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Table of Contents


Pull requests welcome! We would like to eventually support each GoDaddy Gateway endpoint, not just domain/DNS related tasks



Basic Usage

Bare minimum what you need to get started (aka how you will typically use this package):

package main

import (

func main() {
	key := "<your_key>"
	secret := "<your_secret>"

	// Target production GoDaddy API
	// 99% of the time this is what you are looking for
	api, err := godaddygo.NewProduction(key, secret)
	if err != nil {

	// Target version 1 of the production API
	godaddy := api.V1()

	// See `Extended Example` section below for more

Custom Client

package main

import (


func main() {
	key := "<your_key>"
	secret := "<your_secret>"
	// Target production API (godaddygo.APIDevEnv | godaddygo.APIProdEnv)
	target := godaddygo.APIProdEnv

	// Build new config
	myConfig := godaddygo.NewConfig(key, secret, target)
	// Build custom client
	myClient := &http.Client{}

	// Establish "connection" with API
	api, err := godaddygo.WithClient(myClient, myConfig)
	if err != nil {

	// Target version 1 of the production API
	godaddy := api.V1()

	// See `Extended Example` section below for more

Extended Example

Regardless of your client, how you actually use this package will be the same either way.

/* We are continuing from within `main()`
 * ... pretend code from above is here,
 * regardless of your client */

// We now have access to "all" GoDaddy production
// version 1 gateway endpoints (via `godaddy`)

// !! the following is pseudo code !!

foo := godaddy.Domain("")
bar := godaddy.Domain("")
// ...more domains...

// Get domain details

// Anything you can do with `foo`
// you can do with `bar`

// Domain records
fooRecs := foo.Records()
// Do stuff with records
fooRecs.Add(ctx, someDNSRecord)
fooRecs.FindByType(ctx, godaddygo.RecordTypeA)

// Account related tasks

// View all domains for your account
// Check availability for domain you don't own
godaddy.CheckAvailability(ctx, "")
// Purchase domain (this hasn't been tested - it should use the card you have on file)
// I'm not sure what happens when you don't have a card on file =/ lmk
godaddy.Purchase(ctx, myNewDomain)

// etc...


Please see here for more information on GoDaddy Gateway endpoints